Monday, January 30, 2012

Baby Bullet

Ok, so for Christmas my parents bought us a Baby Bullet baby food maker. I have to say that after using it for the last few weeks I have found that it is one of the most awesome things! I will post pictures (when I find my camera cord...don't know where it ran off to) of the system and the results, including a happy smiling face of Josiah enjoying fresh food. The system makes it so easy to make that it is not even time consuming at all. The most time is spent steaming the veggies which is fine because I can get a load of laundry done while waiting on the steamer :) It's so neat to be able to just make my own baby food instead of not only spending tons of money on baby food, but to know exactly what my baby is eating. I am able to make a weeks worth of food ahead of time on Saturdays after outreach and then I just put it in the freezer for the week ahead. I'm in love :)


  1. Hi Hannah! I didn't know you had another blog besides your hair one! I found it through Jennifer Caldwells.

    It's so nice to be able to make your own baby food! He will probably never like store bought =) Ethan doesn't and I secretly smile about it haha! It feels good to be able to take care of your baby in so many ways.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Glad you found me! =) Yes it is wonderful being able to take care of them in so many ways! I personally find it to be so much fun and it makes me feel like a great mommy even on days when I'm just so tired =)
