Friday, May 25, 2012


Hope that everyone is gearing up for a fun Memorial day weekend! My parents are coming into town and I am sooooo excited. I haven't been with them since Christmas-time and so it is going to be a real treat to have them here. Rachel can't stop talking about it and has been asking "when will papa and nana get here?!" It is so cute how excited she gets when they get here...she does a little dance around the house and everything...but it breaks my heart to see how she cries when they leave :( Josiah doesn't understand yet just how much fun he's about to have...papa and nana LOVE to play! Their support of imaginatory play is very extensive and has hardly any limits...only thing is when playing cops and robbers, nobody can actually be the "robber", it is a imaginatory person. My fathers brother is in prison for life and was always the "robber" when they played as children, so their reasoning I can understand :)
I was just looking at pictures the other day and found that Rachel and Josiah look so much alike! Below are pics of them both around the same age, of course Josiah has more hair than Rachel did!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


As many of you know I have worked for Arizona State University for 4 1/2 years now. In all of my years working as ASU I have never taken a picture with Sparky! This is mostly because I do not go to any of the sporting events, or homecoming stuff and so have just never had a chance to meet the actual Sun Devil. Now, everything has changed...I have been on a staff development committee for the past 3 years and every year we plan a staff retreat day full of motivational speakers and fun activities. We have held it at the Desert Botanical Gardens every year and it always turns out to be so much fun, informative, and relaxing (no so much relaxing for us committee members of course, lol). This year I became very involved in the planning since we had several members leave the college/, we were able to arrange for "sparky" to come to our event. Now, what many of you may not know is that it is a HUGE secret as to who Sparky actually is at an event. When "Sparky" arrived, he (yes, it was a "he" this time) was not able to actually say who he was, it was all in coding and then we realized and ushered him to the changing room...which had to be a very private location so that nobody would know what was going on. This to me was so interesting and I loved the fact that I actually knew who was in the Sparky costume! He came out and did desk excercises with us all and was just a wonderful addition to our much so, that I wanted to take a picture with him along with another coworker...she didn't know who was in the costume though...neener, neener! Anyhow, below are some team building photos from the event, so fun!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Ok, so I got busy and totally forgot to post pics from our Easter photo session. Ashley did a awesome job! Thank you so much for capturing such natural and fun pics and just for being a fantastic photographer!
I really like the effect that the early morning light had on the pictures...and how calm the kids stayed.
God is good, all of the time!