Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What a day!

Goodness, our day started off so busy! Right now we only have one vehicle (that runs at least) and so I decided to get up early and take Robert to work so that I could keep the car and run errands. Well, Josiah decided to nurse practically all night, so 4am came a little too quickly. Nevertheless, I managed to get up and ready (groggily I might add) and take Robert to work. Now the day has winded down and I'm glad about it and hoping that Josiah will sleep a little better tonight=)

On Labor day weekend we went to Texas to visit my family and I had a blast! We went to a little Amusement park in Amarillo where Rachel rode as many rides as she could and loved it. The highlight of the trip was going to eat at "The Grill" a little restaurant in my parents small town that has some of the best fries and burgers ever! Also, we went to a Once Upon A Child store that was huge compared to the ones here in Arizona..........good thing they're not that big here or I would never have a paycheck left! haha

Here are some pictures of our fun weekend and some of Josiah in his "generic" cloth diapers. Many of you know I've taken on the task of cloth diapering and I have to admit that I love it! Someone recommended the generic ones from ebay and I am finding that they are just as good as the name brand ones. I still like gdiapers though because they are not bulky and are hybrid, making it easier when out and about.

eating at "The Grill"

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