Ok, first of all I found out the hard way that it is very tiresome to be a nursing mother at Disneyland on Christmas day! Almost all of the lines are at least an hour long and when your little one nurses every two hours...well, let's just say that multi-tasking comes in handy. Standing in line and nursing is not the greatest thing in the world, but it is better than a screaming baby on every ride, or sitting the entire day=)
When we arrived Rachel was in a sort of "awe" moment. We went to Toon Town first and of course stopped at the Castle to take a pic with Papa and Nana!

Rachel loved Toon Town! She especially liked Goofy and he gave special attention to her since she ran to him before he even reached his destination. After visiting all of the Characters in their homes, I and Robert rode the little roller coaster with Rachel and she wanted to go again but, alas, the line was just too long to stand in again.

As the day got later, it became soooo busy that it was hard to move around the park! We finally stopped and were able to take a picture of the four of us:

We went to ride the Pirates of the Carribean while most of the crowd was enjoying one of the parades on main street. Our wait was only 20 minutes! This is what Josiah did while in line for the ride:

This is what Rachel did while in line for the ride:

This was Rachel after the first drop...she loved this ride! She was so upset when we left and didn't go on it again. Josiah slept through the entire ride! I thought for sure he would wake up screaming as soon as there was gunfire, but nope, he just stirred a little and went back to sleep.

End of the day, Rachel was exhausted, Josiah was hungry...we all were hungry and tired! Getting out of the park was fun, or NOT =)

Did I mention that Main Street was beautiful? :

All in all, it was a very fun Christmas Day and I look forward to going to Disneyland again. Thankfully this time "It's a Small World" had a 3 hour line so we didn't go...not too thrilled with that ride =) Rachel would love it though, so next time!
After leaving the park we ate at a restaurant near our hotel and checked in for the night...the next day had another adventure waiting to happen!
Aw, so fun! Too bad about all the people though. I'm glad Rachel liked all the characters. Jason was freaked out by them and the parade and the "World of Color" at California Adventure.