Late Friday evening after getting home from helping the Hamiltons move, and puting the kids to bed, I put out a few more decorations in the living room, including a nativity on the coffee table along with a "Noel" sign and some scented pine cones in my flower vase. Saturday morning Rachel woke up and headed for the kitchen where she always demands "I want cereal!" but she didn't quite make it. Instead, she noticed the nativity on the coffee table and ran over to kneel and look at it. Then she exclaimed "it's baby Jesus!" and I said "yes, it is, and Mary and Joseph", next thing I knew she leaned forward and kissed the little "baby Jesus" and said "mama, I love baby Jesus". Now, I must tell you that I had tears in my eyes by this point as I said "yes, I do too" and then I knelt down next to her and told her the story of baby Jesus and how He's not a baby anymore and that He can live in our hearts when we recieve the Holy Ghost. Oh, what a wonderful Saturday morning! I cannot explain the joy I had at just that small little glimmer of understanding that radiated from Rachel as she listened to the story and said "I love Jesus" after I was done telling it. Of course it was right then and there I was reminded of how simple a child's faith is. Oh how I love Jesus!
That's awesome! Love those stories.