Well, I am officially back to work from maternity leave =( Happy but sad at the same time, I definately enjoyed that last two months home with my little ones. It was such a busy time getting adjusted to two children instead of just one but it was so much fun! Now at least the weather is cooling down a bit and I will be able to go and do things outdoors on my days off =)
The good news is.........Josiah went 4 HOURS last night between feedings!!!!! WooHoo!!! God sure heard my prayer last night that I would get a little extra sleep so that I could start my week back to work off on a good start........3:30am comes very early =)

Josiah's smile when I caught it on camera for the first time! ^

Rachel and Josiah being all cute =) ^

^Last Thursday we went to Grandma's house (Robert's mom) all day to play with the kiddos and kind of get Rachel accustomed to the idea of going back to Grandma's for hours at a time. She had a blast "doing hair", but never wanted to be the one getting her hair done, just wanted to be the stylist =)

Last week we also went to Michael Vela's birthday party at Peter Piper Pizza, Rachel of course had to sit right next to him so that she could "help" him sing "Happy Birthday" or as she calls it "The Happy Birthday Song".
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