Thursday, December 22, 2011
Never!.....yeah right
I just got through telling a good friend of mine last week that I NEVER rearrange my furniture.......and guess what I went and did last night? That's right, I did what I NEVER do, LOL! It wasn't really my idea though. Me and Robert were just sitting and talking in the living room last night while Rachel played and Josiah slept in the swing. Suddenly, Robert said "ya' know, I think that the sofa would look better over there, loveseat over here, piano there" etc. So I said "let's move it all". We jumped up and got busy moving furniture. Poor Rachel was so confused! She kept saying "why" or "what are you doing". Of course, she was very helpful when it came time to move the Christmas presents! =) Needless to say, after 3 years of the same living room arrangement, it now looks different. I guess I've been reminded again to never say never!
Monday, December 19, 2011

Ok, one more post for today =) Usually around this time of year we do something special for the Sunday School bus my husband captain's. This year money has been so tight that we didn't know what we were going to do. Between my husbands 20% paycut and trying to brace ourselves for him being off of work (without pay) for 9 days next month, we really didn't know what we were going to do for the kids. Robert always says that our family comes first no matter what, but we still feel sorry for not being able to bless others like we'd like to. Well, Saturday on outreach a man asked Robert if there are kids on the bus who will not get any Christmas presents. Robert told him yes and then the man said that he had asked for a donation from a local store and had received one with a bunch of toys and would like to give them all to the bus! Needless to say, we ended up with a huge bag of toys to wrap and give to the kids! We were so excited. So Saturday night while Robert made chocolate dipped apple slices for the kids, I wrapped all of the gifts. We were up until midnight and were exhausted on Sunday, but it was so worth it. God is so good!
Chunky monkey =)

"I love Jesus"

Late Friday evening after getting home from helping the Hamiltons move, and puting the kids to bed, I put out a few more decorations in the living room, including a nativity on the coffee table along with a "Noel" sign and some scented pine cones in my flower vase. Saturday morning Rachel woke up and headed for the kitchen where she always demands "I want cereal!" but she didn't quite make it. Instead, she noticed the nativity on the coffee table and ran over to kneel and look at it. Then she exclaimed "it's baby Jesus!" and I said "yes, it is, and Mary and Joseph", next thing I knew she leaned forward and kissed the little "baby Jesus" and said "mama, I love baby Jesus". Now, I must tell you that I had tears in my eyes by this point as I said "yes, I do too" and then I knelt down next to her and told her the story of baby Jesus and how He's not a baby anymore and that He can live in our hearts when we recieve the Holy Ghost. Oh, what a wonderful Saturday morning! I cannot explain the joy I had at just that small little glimmer of understanding that radiated from Rachel as she listened to the story and said "I love Jesus" after I was done telling it. Of course it was right then and there I was reminded of how simple a child's faith is. Oh how I love Jesus!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
You can pick your friends, pick your nose...BUT you CANNOT pick your FRIENDS nose!
Group fellowship was fun as usual last Saturday. Below is how Rachel spent it (well a few minutes of it anyways):
Of course Joel was in on the action too:
And, just for the record, them picking their noses was NOT planned for the pictures. It happened and me and Chelsea (Joel's mama) just thought it was hilarious and this is why: right before they began (picking their noses) I was telling Chelsea about our Pediatric visit the prior Friday. Both Rachel and Josiah see the same pediatrician and so we schedule their appointments at the same time. While the dr. was checking Josiah, Rachel was picking her nose, graciously I might add, and both me and Robert kept telling her to "stop". Finally the Dr. turned around and said "let her finish!" and then explained that it is completely normal and actually a wonderful thing. I guess that if a kid is not picking their nose, then there usually are developmental issues. After sharing this info with Chelsea and having her confirm that our kids must be very well "developed" I turned and Rachel came walking up picking her nose. I snapped a pic and then Joel walked up and started too.........I wonder if THEY were somewhere discussing the technique! LOL

Tis' the season to be busy
Last week we were able to get into the seasonal "mood" by going here and there for various events. We went to a Christmas play, that Rachel absolutely loved (Josiah just nursed the whole time, lol). We also went to Desert Ridge market place one evening for their storytime with Clifford. After the storys and songs we walked to the fountain area where it "snows" every evening. Rachel loved catching the flakes in her hands and was worn out by the time we got home. So far even though this time of year has been horrible financially, we have really been able to have a good time. It's funny, because we've actually had more fun than we have before and I think it's just because we are just rolling with the punches, so to speak =) We hope that you all are having a good time of year also!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011
I think I've kinda' fell in love....
Okay, so you all know that I've been cloth diapering now since having Josiah and I absolutely LOVE it! I can't even express what a financial relief it has been not to be spending so much on diapers and the fact that Josiah has not had diaper rash at all only adds to my adoration of cloth. Our water bill did go up slightly though, it's been an extra $2.47 a month!!! (I'm in love) So, anyhow, I decided last week while doing laundry that it is time for the next step in my love relationship with cloth.......CLOTH WIPES!!! Yay!!! It will be so much easier to throw them all in the wash instead of dealing with throwing disposables away, or flushing them. I will post pictures as soon as I am done making them all. I found the following site with cloth wipe solutions: . I personally plan on using the Chamomile 'n' Honey, mostly so I can enjoy a steaming cup of tea after all of my hard work =) Oh, just for the record, my husband thinks that I have absolutely lost my mind...........but he sure does appreciate this kind of money saving mind loss! =) LOL
Friday, December 9, 2011
Thanksgiving pictures
Here are some pictures from Thanksgiving as promised. Better late than never right? =) As you can see Rachel and Robert liked playing the memory card game (she's getting pretty good at it) and we all liked playing Blink, even though there was some cheating going on in the end hee hee, maybe I should say instead that there were some planned pranks pulled, lol. Josiah just wanted to rest and was still catching up the next day when we got home and he fell asleep in his bumbo seat!

Handel's Messiah!
Ok, so we got a call yesterday afternoon letting us know that there were some extra tickets at the church for Handel's Messiah at GCU that evening if we were interested in going, we decided to go. After thinking about it a few moments we thought about Rachel trying to sit through the entire production............NOT going to happen! When I was studying music for my Associates Degree I sang in the college's Masterworks choir and performed Handel's Messiah one year, so I knew first hand that it would be extremely boring for a 3 year old after about 10 minutes. After calling around to find a babysitter, hopefully, we couldn't find one since everyone had plans (it's that time of year), so we decided to go ahead and introduce little Rachel to another part of the Arts. Granted, we have taken her to various Musical drama productions, we have never taken her to the symphony or anything like it, we just figured we'd wait till' she's like 5.
We got all dressed up to go last night and Rachel was soooo excited! She wanted to wear her "fancy" coat and all=) Of course times have changed for some and folks just don't dress up for these events like they used to, but we still do, it's fun =) We arrived and were greeted with smiles and "awe, how cutes" when Rachel would say hello to everyone. Just for the record, Josiah was hungry and oblivious to anything else! When the lights went out and the music started Rachel was entertained for exactly 23 minutes! Then she was fidgety and eventually DONE! So of course at intermission we saved her and whisked her away to go look at Christmas lights =)
All in all it was a enjoyable evening though. We ended the evening by going to Village Inn and eating a slice of pie while discussing with Rachel our plans for Christmas. She is well aware we are going to Disneyland and seems to think that we are going to eat at Mickey's house.............hmmm fancy that!
We got all dressed up to go last night and Rachel was soooo excited! She wanted to wear her "fancy" coat and all=) Of course times have changed for some and folks just don't dress up for these events like they used to, but we still do, it's fun =) We arrived and were greeted with smiles and "awe, how cutes" when Rachel would say hello to everyone. Just for the record, Josiah was hungry and oblivious to anything else! When the lights went out and the music started Rachel was entertained for exactly 23 minutes! Then she was fidgety and eventually DONE! So of course at intermission we saved her and whisked her away to go look at Christmas lights =)
All in all it was a enjoyable evening though. We ended the evening by going to Village Inn and eating a slice of pie while discussing with Rachel our plans for Christmas. She is well aware we are going to Disneyland and seems to think that we are going to eat at Mickey's house.............hmmm fancy that!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Fuzzibunz diapers for cheap!
If you're looking for cloth diapers for a good price Zulily has Fuzzibunz on sale for only $13.99! They have some really cute ones with different saying's on the rear such as "does this diaper make my butt look big" =) Here is the link:
Friday, December 2, 2011
Professional photos.....finally =)
We finally had pictures taken and they turned out nice I think =) I will upload the family portrait later on, once I scan it into the computer. Josiah didn't smile but he wasn't crying either which was surprising since he was hungry at the time.

Monday, November 28, 2011
Official Christmas decorating season starts........NOW!
Okay, I am so ready for Christmas decor!
Since we do not do stockings I have been trying to think of another option that I could do that would involve lots of little goodies that are otherwise known as stocking stuffers. I don't like the whole paper sack idea and then I found a great little sachel idea on the Paper turtle blog! Now I just want to find a creative way to display them, but aren't these cute?!
Since we do not do stockings I have been trying to think of another option that I could do that would involve lots of little goodies that are otherwise known as stocking stuffers. I don't like the whole paper sack idea and then I found a great little sachel idea on the Paper turtle blog! Now I just want to find a creative way to display them, but aren't these cute?!

Thanksgiving has come and gone!
We drove to Texas for Thanksgiving this year to be with family and we had a very fun trip! Of course our "Blink" match was a blast (if you do not own that card game go and get it!). Rachel was spoiled rotten as usual, since Papa and Nana seem to get her whatever her little heart desires, and didn't want to leave. We told her that we were going to the store so that she would calm down in the car, of course she soon realized that the "store" was the gas station where we filled up before heading home.
I will say that the Vreader we got Rachel for her birthday was a very good investment. That thing kept her entertained for hours at a time in the car, which is very important on a 11 hour drive. The best part is that she is learning while being entertained! =)
Ok, so in observance of Thanksgiving this year, I decided to make a list of things I am thankful for. Since I didn't post on Thanksgiving, here it is...
1. I have a husband that loves the Lord and lives for Him while showing his love for his family.
2. I have two healthy and beautiful children.
3. For our church family that is always there for us!
4. We have jobs, a roof over our heads, food on our table, clothes on our backs, even in this economy with my husband being in the construction industry.
5. That me and my husband both agree on how to raise our children and how to keep a peaceful home for the Lord to be welcome in!
..............................The list can go on and on but I'll spare you the extra reading material =) I hope that you all had a great Thanksgiving and I will post pics soon!
I will say that the Vreader we got Rachel for her birthday was a very good investment. That thing kept her entertained for hours at a time in the car, which is very important on a 11 hour drive. The best part is that she is learning while being entertained! =)
Ok, so in observance of Thanksgiving this year, I decided to make a list of things I am thankful for. Since I didn't post on Thanksgiving, here it is...
1. I have a husband that loves the Lord and lives for Him while showing his love for his family.
2. I have two healthy and beautiful children.
3. For our church family that is always there for us!
4. We have jobs, a roof over our heads, food on our table, clothes on our backs, even in this economy with my husband being in the construction industry.
5. That me and my husband both agree on how to raise our children and how to keep a peaceful home for the Lord to be welcome in!
..............................The list can go on and on but I'll spare you the extra reading material =) I hope that you all had a great Thanksgiving and I will post pics soon!
Monday, November 21, 2011
West Coast Conference 2011!

We just got back from West Coast Conference in Fresno, CA a couple of weeks ago and sure did come back revived! Every message each service was along the same lines, REVIVAL! It was so encouraging and just fantastic.
Of course we got to see old friends there which is always lots of fun, and were just able to relax a little bit. We also went to visit my grandparents on Friday afternoon. As many of you know, my grandmother is on kidney dialisis 3 days a week ever since a stroke that left her paralyzed on her left side 4 years ago. They loved being able to see Rachel and Josiah and Rachel just loves their house (I think because there are so many rooms to run in). We went to lunch with them and then just visited. Rachel enjoyed holding a coloring book for grandma while she colored and Josiah just couldn't stop smiling.
We ended our trip with a short drive to Monterey. Rachel had a blast at the Dennis the Menace playground. Robert and Rachel went through a mirror maze on Cannery Row while we were waiting for seats at Bubba Gumps. Robert said that Rachel did pretty good at finding her way thru, even with 3D glasses on. While me and Josiah waited for Robert and Rachel at the maze it started to rain. Ah, coastal rain is the best! After dinner we stopped by Starbucks and headed back to the hotel where we just enjoyed a evening of hot cocoa and games =)
Monday, October 31, 2011
Baby Dedication
Sunday, October 30th Josiah was dedicated to the Lord! We were so happy to have our families there with us and it was extra special to be able to have my parents and sister there for the special occasion. Pastor Garrett preached a very impactful message about Jesus being our hope and how to raise our children in the same hope by keeping His commandments. God is so good!

Rachel is 3!
Rachel is 3! I cannot believe how fast time flies by! It seems like just yesterday she was turning 1 =) We had a birthday party for her on Saturday and it was lots of fun. It was farm themed and we even had a petting zoo come. Most of Rachel's little friends were able to make it, except a couple of them. Of course, Joel was there and Charlotte too, which made her day =) The day turned out perfect and I've posted pictures below. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Yay for Fall!!!!
Finally! The cooler weather is here! We have been enjoying it and I absolutely love the fact that I can leave the front door open, windows open, and enjoy the fresh air while I make dinner. On Saturday after prayer service and choir practice we went to the family corn maze out at Tolmachoff farm. It was so much fun even though we ended up getting lost without meaning to. That was the first time that we've ever been lost in a corn maze on accident, usually we get "lost" on purpose to make it a better adventure, lol. They also have a petting zoo there and Rachel enjoyed feeding and petting the horses and goats.
Sunday night I decided to dress Josiah up for church and even though daddy wasn't too thrilled with the outfit, he was cute anyways! LOL
Both me and Robert's classes start next week so we've been geering up in our minds for a tough 7 week session. It should be interesting having us both juggling homework now............thank goodness I am almost done but we'll see how this goes!

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