A couple of weeks ago we went to SeaWorld in San Diego. It was so nice to get away from the heat and just relax in the coastal air! The hotel we stayed at was called Town & Country Resort and was beautiful! At first I was a little worried because after booking it on Priceline, I read many bad reviews. I always book through their "name your own price" bididng option and get really superb deals. This time we paid $60 a night and although I was worried after reading reviews, I was pleasantly surprised. This resort was full of old world charm and had the feel of a quaint bed & breakfast, yet it really was a sprawling resort with a golf course and many restaurants on site. Below are some pics I took of Rachel while waiting to leave for dinner out in front of our hotel room door...the place was covered with rose gardens, fountains, etc.

We headed for Filippi's Pizza Grotto for dinner in Little Italy and were greeted with a line out of the front door. We happily stood in line and enjoyed the weather while waiting.
Rachel had seen the Trolly go by and decided to take the chairs and turn them to resemble the "train"...
She sat and began to yell "ding, ding, ding! All aboarrrrd!!! Are you ready? Get on!!!!" It was hilarious to see the look on folks faces as Rachel was in her own make believe world =)
The "market" we stood in while in line:
After dinner (Oregano's here in Arizona is better by the way) we headed down for a walk near the harbor area. Rachel loved looking at the "Pirate ships":
Saturday morning was cold and foggy, aka "beautiful", and we headed out for SeaWorld, eager to have some fun. Once in the gates we were greeted by a happy otter:
We paid for the all day dining pass so we ate first and then headed for the star fish:
On the sky ride....I got sick! I didn't throw up but was on the verge. Every time the wind would blow and the carrier swayed a bit I would almost lose it. I was having an anxiety attack and couldn't understand it! I ride roller coasters, climb up high mountains and look down...but that sky ride was horrible for me...I think I will pass on those from now on (can I get an "Amen" Chelsea?!):

Josiah was thinking the shows were pretty interesting while Rachel was not too impressed. It wasn't like when we were kids when we got to see the animals DO something besides jump out of the water and back down into it. It is way different now and involved theatrical performances such as professional divers, etc. It was more like a Broadway show over and over again, only with the same plot...jump into the water! LOL Since Rachel has been to a lot of theatrical productions (yes, we're kinda artsy fartsy) she didn't see what the big deal was after the first show, and definately didn't want to sit still for 30 minutes prior (in order to get good seats). We did sit in all of the "splash" zones, and that was lots of fun =)
Since the shows were not Rachel's favorite, we spent a lot of time on Sesame Street where she was able to meet up with some friends of hers:
Pre-show....Starring....Rachel! Are you surprised?! She would stand right in front before the show and literally entertain everyone! Once she was dancing in such a ridiculous fashion that people were laughing and dancing along with her...to HER beat of course =)
At the end of the day, Josiah looked like this:
Of course, by the time we got back to our hotel, we all looked the same =)
All in all, it was a fun time just to be together and relax.
I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful little family full of love!